Monday, July 14, 2008

Blog What??

So, I'm new to this whole "blog" thing. I guess I'm of the school of thought that diaries and journals were meant to be private and written with an expensive pen in a beautiful leather bound book. Oh, well... out with the old and in with the new I guess. Blogging is just one of those things that all my girlfriends have told me I must do, so here I am.

I am a 30 year old mother and teacher. I have been blessed with two beautiful boys in my lifetime. My first son, the only native Floridian in our whole family, is now 3 and either lots of fun or completely exhausting. More often than not, I find myself laughing at the things that come out of his mouth. I know every mom likes to think that her child is amazing at everything, but my 3 year old probably has a better vocabulary than most of the 5th grade students I have taught. Needless to say, it's very funny when a 3 year old sounds so grown up while talking.

My second son passed away when he was 5 months old. Brady Thomas Colbert was born with a very rare genetic illness that is terminal within the first year of life. The teacher in me believes that something can be learned from every situation in life. We have learned a lot from having Brady. In turn we created a foundation in his name to help other families who go through a similar type of infant loss. Even though it was very hard for our family to lose Brady, we are blessed to have a little guardian angel looking over us everyday.

So, my posts will generally be about our life in beautiful sunny Florida, and our son who shines every day no matter what the forecast. :)

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